Are you a slicer?
Have you been trying to fix your club path to be in to out for years?
When you do feel like you ‘Fixed the path”, does it still fade/slice?
Here’s a thought… maybe it’s not the club path? Maybe... just maybe... it’s actually the club face direction?
I’ve been teaching for a while and have been lucky enough to be awarded teacher of the year in Saskatchewan 3 times now. I see golfers all day who slice the ball and want to fix it. I chat with members at my club all the time with golfers who just want a quick fix. Funny thing is…when I give them the fastest fix, they hate it!
“I can’t swing like that!”, “Are you kidding, that feels weird!”. “ Can I even hit a ball doing this?”
Resistance to change is the hardest part of golf and here’s the thing; what’s causing your slice isn’t the club path, it’s the direction of the club face! I’m not talking like 50% of the time, I’m talking like 99% of the time.
So why do we spend most of our time thinking that if we start swinging the golf club in to out it’ll cure the slice and save our games? Two reason:
1) Lack of knowledge of golf physics
2) Seems easier. We love the easy way!
SO! Assuming you’re buying in and you’re wanting to actually improve, here’s a free lesson:
Fix your grip – It’s probably in your palm and probably weak which promotes an open face. Create the strongest grip you can imagine and hit it as far left as you can (Assuming your right handed). Not a little left….AS FAR LEFT! You’re going to hate it. The feel, the flight, all of it. It’s the fastest way to change though!
THEN! Once you absolutely can’t make the ball slice anymore because it goes so far left, then start trying to push the ball right of your target. Assuming you’ve got the face fixed, it’ll curve back to your target with a draw. Trust it. Trust the process, trust the physics.
There isn’t a quick fix. Sorry. There is a lasting fix that will change your game, and it starts with you buying in and not being resistant to change.
Good luck with the change and if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out! I love helping golfers improve.